Ariel Henri and his government are traitors to this great nation who fought against slavery and gained their independence to never have their land soiled by foreign military intervention. The entire population of Haiti are in disbelief after the publication of said document in the monitor, The official journal of the republic. All the radio personalities dedicated their shows today 10/07/2022 to denounce such infringement of the country constitutional right. With false rumors of his resignation the night before, people from various cities took the streets late night to express their joy which was short of a true story. Throughout the radio stations many broadcasters are now appealing to the streets gangs to help the people of Haiti in the future fight against any invasion of the Homeland. We don’t believe the international community are that naive to put boots on the ground of Haiti for Ariel Henri who has not even 2% support of the population. If that happened they will met with unknown forces from the population of Haiti. There will be carnage on both sides considering there are a lot of armed gangs in Haiti that will side with the population to fight against the invasion. 99% of Haitians are against military intervention. The events are still unfolding we will bring more details.
