The actual situation being unfolded right now in Haiti has no precedent. There are no leaders in charge of this movement to eradicate the current system of corrupt individuals in power. One might argue that Moise Jean Charles is the forefront leader of said movement since it all started after his first organized protest back in August 22nd in Cap Haitian where thousands took the streets against the banks and Ariel Henri. The current government instead of bringing real change to the current situation rather creating diversion with gangs and paying certain individuals not to protests. A decision which they might regret in the future. A government who was installed with no mandate via a tweet from Mrs Lalime, a representative of Binuh in Haiti, makes it more undesirable. The future of Haiti is uncertain. The United States has become a foe of the Haitian protesters while waving Russian flag all over the streets. It is imperative that Ariel Henri must leave Haiti to avoid a bloodshed.
